Anxiety can wreak havoc upon your body, which may result in hair loss. Psychological tension is usually long term stress, and it can be triggered by various circumstances such as major alterations in your diet, hormonal imbalances, various illnesses and sudden lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, this problem can develop into a vicious cycle. When a person sees clumps of hair in their comb or the sparse areas progressing on their head, it may cause alarm which may lead to additional hair loss. Overall, it can affect an individual’s self-esteem.

This pattern of worrying interrupts the normal hair cycle and contributes to three conditions that have a direct correlation to experiencing distress.

They are –

Alopecia areata – Although it’s a condition that is temporary and rarely leads to baldness, the hair falls out in round quarter size patches. It affects the scalp, but can extend to the eyebrows, eyelashes and even beards. Your hair usually grows back with proper treatment.

Alopecia totalis – This consist of an individual rapidly losing all the hair on their head. This is considered an autoimmune disease and the cause is not yet determined. Over time, with the correct care, your hair has a strong chance of making a recovery.

Trichotillomania – Caused by an overpowering urge to pull out your own hair without being conscious of it, this disorder may be manifested by an individual suffering from extreme anxiety.

Luckily, most hair loss caused by physiological anxiety can be remedied by dealing with the troubling issues and engaging in activities that can help you relieve tension and put your body back in balance.

These applications include –

Yoga – Practicing yoga can help remove barriers from the mind to improve energy and give a sense of well-being and repose.

Sleep – Being able to get sufficient rest is crucial in dealing with anxiety. Lack of sleep can weakened the immune system and cause even more extensive issues to arise.

Meditation – Practicing deep breathing and focusing the mind on pleasant thoughts for ten to twenty minutes a day can be an effective means for curtailing mental strain.

These are just a few things that you can do to help restore your hair to its natural growing cycle.

If you are having problems with your hair shedding excessively, you should see your health care provider for an evaluation. They will be able to discover the reasons and answer the questions you may have concerning your hair loss.

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