Balding can be a difficult reality to face. It’s also difficult to tell if you’re actually balding or just experiencing normal hair loss. You’re always shedding hair, sometimes up to 100 hairs per day. This normal hair shedding can often be mistaken for balding. Combine this with the fact that hair loss naturally increases after puberty and it’s makes sense that some people are suddenly surprised by their fading hairline.

We’ve combined a number of tests you can try to determine if you are indeed balding or just experiencing normal hair shedding. While many of these tests can help, you should see a doctor or physician to rule out any medical condition for your hair loss. Most cases of baldness are genetic, but can be related to another condition that may be treatable.

Step 1: Learn the General Signs of Baldness

To begin, learn about the typical signs of balding as related to genetic hair loss.

  • Shrunk Hair Follicles. After hair falls out, the replacement hair follicles, or the roots of the hair, are noticeably thinner. This is typically indicative of a receded hairline.

  • Noticing a Bald Spot. You may feel like your hairline is receding or that the back of your head isd balding. There are two ways to determine if this is happening:

    • Compare a recent picture with an older one in which you had a similar hair style. You will immediately notice any major changes in your hairline or the back of your head.

    • Hold back your hair until you can see the very front of your hairline.  If you see an M shaped hairline with thinning areas, you may be going bald. At this point, it’s a good idea to visit a physician.

Step 2: Receive Tests of Going Bald

There are many different types of tests that you can receive to determine if you’re going bald. There are some completely non-invasive methods, such as:

  • Questionnaire

  • Dermoscopy

  • Hair weight

  • Hair feathering test

  • Daily hair counts

  • Hair feathering test

Most of these tests will need to be done by a qualified physician to ensure their accuracy. Each of these tests has different procedures, but the goal is to identify if you’re losing more hair than usual. Each of these tests are simple and non-invasive.

If you have serious concerns about going bald, visit a physician as soon as possible. They may be able to provide effective treatment to help you retain your hair.

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