The Ludwig Scale: Stages of Women’s Hair Loss
For women who begin losing their hair there is now medical charts that help classify which stage the patient is currently in so the physician can better know how to treat them. The chart that is most used, the Ludwig Scale, breaks the hair loss down into phases depending on how much hair has been lost.
Stage 1
Only mild hair loss is present during Stage 1. Usually the hair loss is occurring on the top or the back of the head. So many women are not actually aware that they are developing hair loss at this stage. However, if the woman parts her hair in the middle it will be more noticeable. If not treated early it will gradually lead into more hair loss.
As soon as an apparent problem presents itself you should see a doctor, and get tests run to see if could possibly be due to a vitamin deficiency or possibly a thyroid problem. In many case adding the correct vitamins into your diet such as iron, minoxidil, or vitamin B will help stop the hair loss if treated early enough. Revivogen is an excellent option for any women looking to stop hair loss in it’s tracks at an early stage.
Stage 2
If the patient is already in Stage 2 the hair loss will be more noticeable and a hair transplant is usually a good option to help the patient during this stage. Many women in this stage are able to notice the hair loss themselves due to an obvious shedding and thinning. The center part will also become wider over time. Some of the hair loss could be related to hormonal issues.
Stage 3
When a patient is suffering from hair loss at this stage the hair will be extremely thin and the scalp will be very visible. There is extreme shedding and thinning during this stage. At this stage many women choose to get hair transplants if they are a good candidate, or even begin to wear wigs. Revivogen can be used to help maintain hair and prevent further balding, even after a hair transplant procedure.
Hair loss can be more devastating for a woman than a man. It is recommended that as soon as a woman notices any hair loss to contact her doctor or dermatologist to rule out any problems. If there is any chance of stopping this problem in its tracks it helps to address the problem sooner than later.