Vitamins and hair loss – it has been discussed in the last year that they may be the “cure” or remedy for baldness or hair loss. While studies and research have yet to find any real cure for the condition, some vitamins may help with keeping hair strong and healthy. Yes, hair loss is seen as a genetic condition, but there are certain steps you can take to ensure you are getting enough of the right vitamins for healthy, strong hair.

Psst..Preventing hair loss or keeping hair healthy and strong with these vitamins may be the trick:


Zinc is responsible for nearly 300 chemical actions in the body, and research has even shown that low levels of zinc in the body may allow for more DHT (dihydrotestosterone) in the body.

Foods high in zinc: 

  • oysters

  • sesame seeds

  • pumpkin seeds

  • eggs

  • herring (also a good source of vitamin D)

  • wheat germ

  • dark chocolate

  • peanuts

  • roast beef

Vitamin D:
Over the last year, Vitamins and hair loss, most notably Vitamin D were in the news quite frequently. Vitamin D has received a lot of attention since it’s rumor that it could potentially “cure baldness.” A professor of basic medical sciences at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Phoenix stated in a WSJ Journal article that the Vitamin D receptor is “crucial for the regeneration of hair.”  And there have been other articles, including an article by in 2012 saying that scientists found Vitamin D may be a cure for hair loss. This was the most promising result from a team of Japanese researchers who actually during their experimentation added Vitamin D to stem cells in the ending phase of growth and “coaxed” these cells into hair follicles. This, although not a cure for baldness any means, shows how our body uses Vitamin D and how it’s crucial to get the proper amount through our diet and supplements. Watch the full video on here.

Foods high in Vitamin D:

  • Salmon

  • Sardines

  • Herring

  • Mushrooms

  • Oysters

  • Eggs

  • Mushrooms

  • Mackerel

  • Tuna

Folic Acid:
Also known as Vitamin B9, folic acid operates at the level of cell division so the hair has the proper nutrients to stay in the growing phase for the normal period of time.

Foods high in Folic Acid:

  • Asparagus

  • Broccoli

  • Citrus Fruits

  • Avocado

  • Brussel Sprouts

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