The process of hair loss has several distinct stages. Most hair loss experts refer to the Norwood-Hamilton Scale when describing the progression of hair loss. While this scale provides a general framework for hair loss, each individual loses his hair in a unique manner. The scale is an attempt to show the most typical progressions toward pattern baldness or complete baldness.
Male pattern baldness is called androgenetic alopecia. This is commonly called “male pattern hair loss”.The vast majority of men who experience hair loss suffer from male pattern hair loss. This can begin as early as the teenage years in some young men.
Hair loss often starts with a receding hairline around the temples along with a thinning of the hair at the head’s crown. Hair will also thin over large sections of the scalp. Men can experience all of these patterns of baldness or any single one depending on their genetics. Specifically, the Norwood-Hamilton Scale describes 7 stages of hair loss.
Stage 1 of the scale illustrates the hairline of a young man or boy. The hair at the upper brow area is shown. No hair loss is shown at the head’s crown or the hairline.
Stage 2 shows the change in an adult hairline. The adult hairline is a little bit above the upper brow crease. During stage 2, hair loss is minimal and only experienced at the very front of the hairline.
Stage 3 of the Norwood-Hamilton Scale illustrates the first stage of lost hair that is substantial enough to be considered “baldness”. Stage 3 shows a significant receding of the hair in a symmetrical pattern at the temples on each side of the head. These areas are slightly covered with hair or completely bald. In addition, the crown of the head experiences thinning hair.
Stage 4 shows a furthering of the hair recession in the temple spaces near the front of the head. The crown shows ample hair loss and there is typically fairly thick hair that serves as a bridge between the lost hair at the scalp’s front and the crown. Yet the head’s sides are still covered with ample hair
Stage 5 is the time when hair loss becomes much more noticeable. The bridge of thicker hair between the front of the head and the crown becomes less thick and more narrow. Baldness at the temples and the crown increases significantly.
During stage 6, the hair that once served as a bridge between the front of the head and the crown is just about gone. The hair that is left typically forms a U shape and the center of the head is nearly completely bald.
Stage 7 is the highest level of hair loss. There is only a bit of hair on the back of the scalp and on the sides of the head.
Revivogen can help stop hair loss from progressing past the early stages. The earlier you begin using Revivogen, the better chance you have of stopping hair loss in it’s tracks.